Buy More - Pay Less
Profitiere von Mengenrabatten ab 3 Torwarthandschuhen.
Goalkeepers only - buy 3 get one free.
Add 3 KEEPERsport or rehab items of your choice to the shopping basket and save money! Enter the code "1FREE" and save one third of your order!
Bulk orders benefit the most of this deal. Get ready for the championship now!
P.S .: Get together with your goalkeeper friends and save together!
Profitiere von Mengenrabatten ab 3 Torwarthandschuhen.
Wissen. Überzeugung. Erfahrung im Torwartspiel.
Jedes Profisondermodell wird eigenhändig genäht.
Wähle aus den modernsten Designs und Trends.
Von der Serie A bis in die Bundesliga.
Wähle aus 4 Handschuh-Schnitten deinen Favoriten.
Three goalkeeper articles in the shopping basket mean saving money. You only need to enter the code "1FREE". Choose three KEEPERsport goalkeeper gloves and pay for only two.
Choose your Varan6 goalkeeper gloves now:
Goalkeeper textiles* from KEEPERsport are of course also included! Regardless of what you buy!
The young & freaky goalkeeper brand takes part too! Put at least three rehab items in the shopping basket and save with the code "1FREE".
Get rehab items free now:
*The code "1FREE" is only valid if there are at least three articles by KEEPERsport or rehab goalkeeping in the shopping basket.
Excluded are:
>> already reduced sale items
>> sets and multibuy offers
>> personlisations
The code "1FREE" reduces the RRP of all valid articles of the same brand by -33.33%.
KEEPERsport and rehab items cannot be combined with each other.