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Say Goodby to your injuries!

Most of the footballer's are trying to bridge the winter with sports underwear. But a lot of them are also using it during the entire year - especially KEEPER. Sports underwear are providing an comfortable feeling on all weather conditions. That's the reason why it is important to have a good and proper underwear.

Sports underwear keeps you dry and warm. A benefit of the KEEPERsport Underwear is the tremendously good protection. Additional cushioning on the relevant areas like the hips, ribs, shoulders and knees. But there are different protections:

Tiger Power Pads

The Tiger Power Pads is the best underwear gear for Goalkeeper. They are even more flexible with the "Protectionzone" on the hips and elbows and they have a high protection in sensitive areas. The "ANNUALskin" fits perfectly on all weather conditions.

Panther Foam Pads

With the Panther Foam Pads you are unbeatable on the pitch. The anatomically placed cushioning made of high quality textile provides you with protection for knee, elbow and shoulder.

Spider Robust Pads

The Spider Robust Pads are very resilient and you can hardly notice any abrasion - so you're perfectly prepared for artificial turf and indoor! The "Abrasion-Resistant-layer is a formed foam cushioning.

Eagle Unpadded

Last but not least we have the Eagle Unpadded underwear: it is a sports underwear for goalkeepers and players. The high-quality and resilient "ANNUALskin" is perfect on all weather conditions. Even without padding you'll feel safe with those.